Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Key to a Happy and Healthy Life!

In your quest to lead a happy, healthy and fulfilling life, you will inevitably have to rise above the negativity which is ever present within our environment. I have therefore compiled a list of practical suggestions, that should help you to remain focused on following the positive path to a happier and healthier life.

Great discipline will be required but the rewards will make it a very worthwhile exercise and the results will appear to be miraculous!

List the things you love.
Spend seven minutes imagining and feeling having what you want.
Say positive things to yourself. Have fun and love constantly. Don’t criticise or say negative things.
Give love with feeling for what you want. Look for the things you want. Say ‘I love that...’ . Give gratitude for things .
Visualise and recall wonderful moments. Visualise dreams and goals. Think, feel and act as if already accomplished (the three steps of the creative process).
Say a prayer of thanks and feel gratitude with all your heart.
Do these things for 120 days and miracles will happen.
Say thank you for the things you have (the great multiplier).
Create games with your imagination and play like a child in the world of make believe. The law of attraction will make these things come real.
Read positive thinking and inspiring books.
Act as if you have it now with feeling. Feel excited and imagine your dream having come true. Imagine you’ve won the lottery and plan what you would do.
Imagine and feel everything you want with passion.
Feel good when you pay a bill i.e. think of it as a donation for the service you’ve received. Write thank you on the cheque.
Feel joy for other people’s good fortune. Imagine and feel being wealthy. Give money to people and good causes. Give to charity with joy.
Find a venture or start a business that you love. Imagine great success. Play games of make believe. Don’t give out bad feelings about lack of success. Find ways to feel good e.g. love as many things around you as possible. Give value for money.
Don’t think that money is the only way to receive something you want. Imagine what you want and feel happiness. Don’t make money your only target e.g. imagine the joy of living in your dream home. Put love ahead of money.
Don’t be rude or negative. Give love. Fill yourself up with love. Give love without thought for reward.
Love your partner and make a list of the things you love about your partner.
Don’t argue or criticise. Don’t judge people or gossip. Say good things about people. If someone makes you angry, change your reaction by listening to uplifting music or imagine the things you love. Bad feelings multiply.
Give good feelings and feel fantastic. It will be a shield against negativity.
Use affirmations. Repeat your beliefs using commands e.g. ‘I enjoy great health’, ‘I feel amazing today!’
Don’t hate or fear disease. Feel love for health, sunny day, home, friends. Imagine and feel being well. Refuse to accept negative news.
Imagine positive outcomes. Watch funny and uplifting movies that make you laugh. Listen to feel good music. Tell and listen to jokes.
Help someone that’s ill by imagining them healthy and in good spirits. Feel young and stop feeling your age.
Think this is an amazing life!
Create miracles and turn away from negativity. Focus on love. Imagine what you want and give thanks to God. Feel happy.
Don’t rush things. When you wake up in the morning, feel grateful to be alive and for everything in life. Feel love and send it out to the world. Imagine and feel love for your day going well.
Feel good before you do anything important e.g. an important phone call, sending an e-mail. When you get dressed feel gratitude. When you’re out and about send love to as many people as you can.
When you see a person with a need, send thoughts of abundance.
Be grateful for money, happiness, peace and joy. When you get into your car, imagine arriving home happy, safe and well.
Ask questions and you will receive the answers e.g. while reading, dreaming etc. Look for good in everything and every one. Be grateful. Be alert to receive the answers e.g. while reading.
Don’t worry about small details. Simplify your life.
All success and health comes from love.
Wrap your arms around life and say thank you. Whatever you want imagine it, feeling it with absolute love and gratitude. You will receive it.
Feel excited for adventures ahead. Give because it is the greatest joy in life. Give the best you can. Give all your love, fulfilling your entire purpose of your life.
Choose the positive. Give love and joy and you light up the world.

You will have an amazing life!   


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